The Clear Choice: Invisalign for Straighter Teeth

When it comes to orthodontic solutions to straightening teeth, addressing an overly crowded jaw, or correcting malocclusion (bite problems), Invisalign has quickly become the leading option over traditional, metal braces. Invisalign is an effective treatment solution that offers lasting results and a variety of treatment advantages over braces.  

What Is Invisalign?

A popular orthodontic treatment, Invisalign provides an alternative to traditional braces. Where traditional braces use a system of metal wires, brackets, and rubber bands to address orthodontic issues, Invisalign uses a system of custom-designed clear aligner trays. These clear aligners are designed to fit snuggly over the arches of a patient's teeth. While worn, the aligners target gentle pressure on the teeth. This pressure gradually shifts the teeth into the desired locations and alignment as a patient moves through their entire treatment plan and course of graduated aligner trays.  

Why Choose Treatment with Invisalign: 7 Major Benefits of Invisalign

Compared to metal braces, Invisalign offers a variety of impactful benefits and advantages that can drastically improve the treatment process and patient experience.  

1. Discreet Orthodontic Treatment

The aligner trays used in the Invisalign treatment system are made of clear plastic that is virtually invisible when worn. This offers patients a discreet treatment option that has a minimal impact on the patient's appearance during treatment - especially when compared to traditional, metal braces that are highly visible on the fronts of the teeth.  

2. Easy Oral Care

Traditional braces require patients to adopt additional oral hygiene habits and use new oral hygiene tools such as interdental brushes, floss threaders, dental picks, and water flossers.  

With Invisalign, patients can continue their regular oral hygiene practices, using the same tools they always have: a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. Patients simply need to brush in the morning and at night like they usually do, in addition to brushing and flossing their teeth after meals.  

3. No Activity Restrictions

With traditional braces, patients need to be extra careful about preventing injuries or impacts to their face, jaw, or teeth because their braces could become damaged and because braces can also increase the risk of injuries to soft tissues.  

With Invisalign, patients can continue participating in all of their favorite sports and athletic activities without experiencing any additional worry about the safety of their aligner trays, soft tissues, and teeth. In fact, Invisalign aligner trays can provide some additional protection, like wearing an athletic mouthguard during these activities.  

4. No Dietary Restrictions

Patients who have traditional braces need to avoid hard and sticky foods to protect their braces from becoming damaged or from getting difficult-to-remove foods lodged in the wires and brackets.  

Invisalign is designed to be removed during meals. This means patients can continue eating all of their favorite foods throughout treatment without worry. Simply brush and floss your teeth after you've finished eating before putting your clear aligners back in your mouth.  

5. Comfortable on Soft Tissues

Invisalign's clear aligner trays are made of smooth plastic that is gentle on the soft tissues inside your mouth. With metal braces, sores commonly develop on the lips, cheeks, and tongue as a result of friction between the delicate soft tissues and the rough metal surfaces.  

6. Removable

While Invisalign aligner trays need to be worn for about 20 to 22 hours every day for treatment to progress effectively, they can be removed. As mentioned above, the ability to remove the aligners is helpful at mealtimes. It can also be useful during photos (even though you probably wouldn't be able to see them) or other important events such as an interview or important meeting.  

7. Address a Wide Range of Orthodontic Issues

Invisalign can effectively address a wide range of orthodontic problems such as crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and malocclusion (open bite, crossbite, overbite, and underbite). While they are not always the best treatment option for the more complex orthodontic cases, they can effectively address most patients' concerns.  

Is Invisalign Right for You? Orthodontic Consultations with Our Cosmetic Dentist in Enumclaw

At Decker Dental, we're proud to provide our patients with comprehensive dental care, including orthodontic and cosmetic treatment with Invisalign. If you have crooked teeth, malocclusion, or overly crowded teeth, we encourage you to consider orthodontic treatment with Invisalign in Enumclaw. To learn more about Invisalign or to find out if it's the right orthodontic solution for you, we welcome you to contact our dental office to request a consultation today.

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